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Simple hypothesis on lack of thoughtful persuasion: the more emphasis and posturing, the less convincing it is. The more it feels like a casual chatter in a bar/club/saloon/rave it is, the more people can engage candidly. Conversely if someone buys into loud meta-contrarian ideas often rather than the silently heterodox, they are more likely to be unthoughtful (midwit/clueless). Intellectual equivalent of "money talks wealth whispers". https://rogersbacon.substack.com/p/eponymous-laws-part-i-laws-of-the

Question: what is the major distinction between the bad mix of posture and obfuscation, and the humble small-talks of the classy wise mixed with unfiltered candidness? https://swellandcut.com/2018/09/26/in-plain-sight/

Another hypothesis on why nobody can become Solvay: everyone in the picture was a "trust fund kid" and gets to do what the like regardless. Autodidacts are not rewarded since they can't "sell ideas" without looking like a lunatic, no matter how true. Conversely, the classy and powerful gets to pick ideas, no matter how awful or untrue it could be. https://erikhoel.substack.com/p/why-we-stopped-making-einsteins

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