Very loaded question, but yes depending on the context, ANY ideology is made by moderate reformers, than radicalized into doing insane deeds, and ends with Thermidorian new establishment. These changes are done in a span of 50-60 years, equivalent to 2~3 generations, a full Kondratieff Wave, or half of a Peter Turchin cycle.
Feminism for example: 2nd wave as moderate reforms of masculine female integration (women gets a taste of power against male leaders), 3rd wave as sexual revolt (bossy women uses volatility to induce change and scapegoating all men, sensible women went silent), and 4th wave as cementing female power and suppressing "sex positivity" and "trans radicalism" (bossy women rules along side other men, feminine men discarded).
Side note: 4th wave feminism is oddly similar to pre-feminism, just that in previous era there is no records of "gynocentric working class history" ala Ruby K Payne among others. Also it is weird how the target went from the powerful who are indifferent to gender qualms to the powerless who are paradoxically suffering by the same system?
Corporate Capitalism in the same timeframe: New Deal, the "Organization Man", and Blitz-proof tactics (government power leaks into private industry); Reganomics, Welchian management, and complex maneuvering (tactical deregulation, brinkmanship, and anti-competitive thinking); Technological Entrepreneurship, Gig Economy, and non-state conflicts (Byung-Chul Han's view on self-exploitation and the "achievement society").
Side note: (a) Regan era thinking is less likely to de deliberate deception than it is a shibboleth between social classes. Libertarianism != Marginal deregulation (b) the "means of production" has been officially seized through corporate capitalism and the gig economy, thereby invalidating Marx's logic, but its observation of alienation through lack of agency still lingers (e.g. tax loopholes within a costly bureaucracy) and is still well-aware by libertarians and leftist alike.
Would like to cover how "ethnic diversity" is just "rainbow elite" signaling, but cannot workout how there is a cultural shift yet.
Very loaded question, but yes depending on the context, ANY ideology is made by moderate reformers, than radicalized into doing insane deeds, and ends with Thermidorian new establishment. These changes are done in a span of 50-60 years, equivalent to 2~3 generations, a full Kondratieff Wave, or half of a Peter Turchin cycle.
Feminism for example: 2nd wave as moderate reforms of masculine female integration (women gets a taste of power against male leaders), 3rd wave as sexual revolt (bossy women uses volatility to induce change and scapegoating all men, sensible women went silent), and 4th wave as cementing female power and suppressing "sex positivity" and "trans radicalism" (bossy women rules along side other men, feminine men discarded).
Side note: 4th wave feminism is oddly similar to pre-feminism, just that in previous era there is no records of "gynocentric working class history" ala Ruby K Payne among others. Also it is weird how the target went from the powerful who are indifferent to gender qualms to the powerless who are paradoxically suffering by the same system?
Corporate Capitalism in the same timeframe: New Deal, the "Organization Man", and Blitz-proof tactics (government power leaks into private industry); Reganomics, Welchian management, and complex maneuvering (tactical deregulation, brinkmanship, and anti-competitive thinking); Technological Entrepreneurship, Gig Economy, and non-state conflicts (Byung-Chul Han's view on self-exploitation and the "achievement society").
Side note: (a) Regan era thinking is less likely to de deliberate deception than it is a shibboleth between social classes. Libertarianism != Marginal deregulation (b) the "means of production" has been officially seized through corporate capitalism and the gig economy, thereby invalidating Marx's logic, but its observation of alienation through lack of agency still lingers (e.g. tax loopholes within a costly bureaucracy) and is still well-aware by libertarians and leftist alike.
Would like to cover how "ethnic diversity" is just "rainbow elite" signaling, but cannot workout how there is a cultural shift yet.