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The major innovation for social networking, is tribal fluidity for the Machiavellian minded, and this used to happen in places of "men in suits" and other places of prestige. It is never meant to be just expanding social circles beyond the 50 (active friends), 150 (friends) and 500 (frenemies) limits noted by Dunbar. https://sethnichols.org/2020/11/09/17-relationship-gardens/

> he selects friends online based on shared values and interests, and chooses his friends offline based on goals

> is not free and is always trying to not offend... walks carefully on runways made of glass shards lest he trips the powerful "friend" – a node on the network – and miss a chance to fulfill a goal

> marketing branded as friendship

Within these three points we can construct the anonymous man: (a) he keeps values and interest consistent between online and offline e.g. "horny on main" (b) does not mind offending others as a jester (c) has a distaste for branding in favor of generics and anonymity.

The networking man is the same as the clueless men and the organization men of the past, and that posturing weakens ones ability to use power, or recognize that they have no power. https://alexdanco.com/2021/01/22/the-michael-scott-theory-of-social-class/ https://archive.ph/h0GG5

Question: How would one de-program these marketing-oriented NPC in a mass scale, a kind of EMP signal against uninhibited narcissism?

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