Welcome to September. I decided to resume from my break on a Monday (work day).
Funny story: I wrote a rap song once about Monday. The title was "It's Monday Again." I can't remember the lines very much, but I remember the chorus vividly. Good times.
This month, pay attention to your observations and perspectives. They are the escape you don't know you need from tight generic situations. Here are some of my observations and principles. Read and enjoy.
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Here is a fact: the human brain cannot discern the truth. It recognises frequency instead. It cannot tell the lie from the truth. It only assimilates what it has been sufficiently exposed to. This fact of the brain makes developing a conscious mind a need.
When you struggle with a habit, either trying to develop one or end one, it is important to know where the fight is located; in your unconscious mind or the conscious mind. Your fight is futile without hacking the conscious mind.
The key difference to identify whether a thought sources from the conscious or unconscious is to double check your information stream. The conscious mind streams from an identity. The unconscious mind streams from an influence. More of this will be stated on my essay hosted on my WordPress site
To learn more about the conscious mind, subscribe here.
Unlike academic philosophy, I practise simple philosophy.
Academic philosophy, like most academic and abstract subjects, have no impact on our daily lives. This explains why you may avoid philosophy and calculus; because you can't see how they affect your subjective reality. I am here to present something different.
With simple philosophy, I have hacked my conscious mind, and built habits I struggled to initiate years ago. I struggled with working out in years past. Now, I work out effortlessly and without reminders. Simple philosophy is great for creatives and creativity.
Writers in the simple philosophy genre include James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, and Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a fuck.
Simple philosophy is a relatable philosophical method that aims to make sense of the whole human experience. It engages a holistic approach to work. With simple philosophy, you would be more concerned with making meaning than spitting buzzwords. This feature makes it a necessity for whatever habit, lifestyle, or goal you aim for. It is different from academic philosophy because they don't require plenty of jargon.
Nobody can understand you perfectly. It is too much a burden to place on someone else, the burden of perfectly relating with your experience. This is why you need a second brain.
I borrowed the term from Tiago Forte.
With a second brain, you can hack your mind like you would hack the operating software of a complex system. Then, you can learn to reorganise the system to fit your goals and aspirations. You are complex, you need the hack. A second brain is the hack.
Journals and diaries are examples of second brains. But people hardly revisit their diaries with the intent of studying their own mind frames. However with the second brain principle, you will study your mind frame as if you were watching your mind on a screen or in a mirror. So with a second brain, you will learn how to dissemble your thoughts, pick the needful, articulate them, organise them, and realise your solutions.
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I will be entering an office mode this month. I have two essays in the pipe for September as well as the completion of my peculiar segment; MY FASCINATING FINDS.
The two essays will be published this month on my WordPress website. The titles are; The Double-edged Sword Theory, and Developing A Conscious mind. My WordPress website will host my long form essays.
Sign up today and wait for them.
Since I am in office mode, I also want to spend time helping those signed up in Evolution Point with engaging simple philosophy and the second brain. I am eager to see the turnout. Results I know, speak better than boasting.
Do you have a hard time arriving at a unique philosophy for your goals? Then sign up to my newsletter and share it with someone who you want to see improve. With my simple finds and insights, you will find it easier to walk through the process.
Happy new month and I see you doing great things this month.
P.S: If you are visiting the website, subscribe with your email so that I can reach you personally and you can be the first to know of any development.
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