It is good to be back. You have to forgive my time away from here, breaks are necessary. I hope you have met a good number of incredible people by engaging their curiosity, you will not go wrong doing that.
Well, today is a great day and we will continue on how to relate better with the world around us.
So, I have engaged people’s curiosities and found something; a lot of people are separated from their inner child, their childish curiosity and in unpleasant consequences, their childish freedom. You cannot get the best of critical thinking without retaining certain childlike traits.
Every child is a born philosopher, asking questions to anyone at anytime, without shame and judgement. As we grow, we tend to become more conscious. This is not a bad thing as there is the need to function in a social capacity. But where we get it wrong is to go all in to stifle this freedom and become too dependent on people’s opinions and judgements. There needs to be a balance.
The childish curiosity is fluidlike. It possesses a lubricating power that eases our way in this friction-filled world. Yes, there are frictions in this world, most of which are unintended. We can choose to wear out under all the stress or choose to maintain a child’s reckless pursuit of happiness.
Before we go deeper, let’s see what Marvin Minvsky has to say about Richard Feynman. For context sake, Feynman was and is still regarded as one of the finest minds in Physics and academia. He summarised mathematics in six pages- incredible human. Let’s see what Marvin Minsky had to say about this great mind;
“When Feynman faces a problem, he’s unusually good at going back to being like a child, ignoring what everyone else thinks… He was so unstuck - if something didn’t work, he’d look at it another way.”
To learn, to think, to be creative is to be fluid, free and happy. You cannot remain in the cages of adult expectations and get the best of critical thinking. The wisest men I know are thirsty to know like children. This is your chance to break free as water, meander through the rocks and be refreshed. This is a journey, let’s ride together.
“But Jesus said, “let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
-Matthew 18:3