Hello there, it is good to be back again. I hope you have engaged your curiosity.
So, I recently started a podcast. Yay! you can hear my voice now. It has been a great experience so far and just in case you have not, I would like you to share in that great experience.
Have you ever felt something that you could not put in clear, precise words? Well, that’s being inarticulate. Today’s newsletter is a beautiful scheme to getting articulate. When you are done reading this, you should understand what it means to be articulate and you should make it a goal to develop articulation as a skill.
If you must learn how to read and make good use of the knowledge you acquire, you must answer the question 'why?' Why you read is the motivation behind picking up a book.
So why do I read? I read to make sense of the world around me. In simple words, I read to be articulate.
"Why did he break up with me?"
"Why did she have to die?"
There are many reasons to be articulate. Inarticulate people are noisy. Noisy people are irritating. Have you ever looked at a child in a tantrum session with all the aggressive body movement but you can't make sense of what he is saying and rambling about? That might just be how you look when you keep rambling about a problem or even an interest but you are simply incomprehensible.
Psychologists are professionals who have become articulate enough in the workings of the Human mind. You go to articulate people for answers. Doctors are articulate in the medical workings of the biological body. Everyone probably feels symptoms but doctors take those symptoms and make something Worthwhile with them. Teachers are articulate in their subject matter to pass down to others in a coherent manner. To be articulate is to be comprehensive. Articuate people lead their fields. They know what to do and what to say. Articulation is underrated. Don’t underrate it. Get articulate, it is one of the highest skills you can develop.
The deal, the aim, is to be concise, clear and articulate. Communication is essential to living. Articulation is essential to communication. Yes, articulation is key.
Get articulate!
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Here’s a show for you… Busyminds Podcast
“A word after a word after a word is power”
—Margaret Atwood