Recently, I have met increased difficulties in writing long-form subjects. And it is because of incoherence.
I find it extremely hard to find a thread or string that connects all my thoughts and ideas. It is as if my mind produces thoughts and ideas in short bursts, moving from idea to idea and thoughts to thought. Something is missing; like a binder or glue to join piece to piece and end to end. When I sit to piece these thoughts together I am frustrated and cannot. So I will change my strategy.
I have decided for Monday Map today to be aphoristic. I shall present my ideas in short bursts as they are and leave you to work with them.
I will keep working to bring everything together. But I will not wait until things are perfect before I give my best. So, enjoy. And please subscribe
“You need a measure of arrogance (actually courage) when reading the philosophical greats. You need enough arrogance to tell Plato that he is wrong (or bullshitting) and not too much arrogance lest you call him a fraud.”
“When met with a fallacious appeal to authority, what you need is not more logic but more courage.”
“If you think anyone not a feminist is a misogynist, I also expect you to believe that anyone who doesn't wear Louis Vuitton walks about naked.”
“Or philosophy: that you believe a person without a philosophy degree is not a philosopher is to think that everyone not wearing Balenciaga shoes is a calloused-footed barbarian.”
“A good essayist knows that the books and authors he cites are not authoritative. They are contributors and are highlighted for further reading.”
“Don't just look to the streets; peer into the cemetery. Word on the street is that women are more likely to be on probation than men. The silence in the cemetery is that women are more likely to be on probation because men are more likely to be incarcerated.”
“True rationality is produced by a community, not an individual.”
“Rational responses are not always tempered. Temperance is not the same as rationality.”
Thank you for reading The Busyminds Project.
I have a book on rationality you should read. Nice writeup