Evaluating your consciousness through dialogue.
My sister was a flower girl at a wedding once. Part of her dressup included a woven basket of beautiful flowers. When the wedding ended, she brought it home.
On one regular boring day, my sisters and I sat around the basket and began to unload it. We stripped the synthetic flowers one by one until we got a shocker. Beneath the load of flowers, was a load of cloth rags and ribbons. The basket was half rags and half flowers. As kids, we found this amusing. We enjoyed this amusement, and it is still a talking point among us today.
We are like the basket of synthetic flowers. Our given reasons for our actions are like the flowers. They are the superficial reasons we tell ourselves and others about why we do what we do. Then there is the deep seating cloth rags and ribbons. Those are the true intentions behind our actions. They are well hidden that even we do not know that they are there. But they consistently drive us while hiding in the dark.
"It's easy to know what we hide from others. It's far more difficult to know what we hide from ourselves." - Mark Manson
You need to have a means of evaluating your consciousness. The consciousness consists your thoughts, logic, beliefs, emotions, and desires.
A good way of evaluating your consciousness is through dialogue. This explains why psychoanalysts and psychotherapists want you to 'talk about it.' When we are in a state of internal confusion, we seek someone to talk to. This is usually an attempt to organise your feelings and thoughts in order to make sense of them. It is also why talking about a problem can help you feel better.
Evolution Point is a system designed to help you organise your consciousness and curiosity. By engaging in meaningful, well-intended dialogue, you can make meaning of your thoughts, feelings, and curiosity. To be a part,Subscribe here
If you are asking why you need Evolution Point, let me give you a question to answer yours: are your thoughts yours or are you thinking the thoughts of others?