You are reading Busyminds Newsletter. I hope you had a productive week? Now is the time to have a curious weekend.
The Problem of Causality
I noticed something odd about my writing process. There are times I experience writer’s block for the sole reason that my room is untidy. When I sit at the table to write, I am unable to create meaningful words until I clean my room. As soon as my room is well made, my mind frees up and the words flow. So, I wonder what relationship there is between cleaning my room and writing well. Or at least, the causal effect between cleaning my room and clearing my mind. I mean (for emphasis), which is the cause and which is the effect?
The uncertainty between what is cause and what is effect is the chicken and egg problem. Which came first?
Well, here is the beautiful part. You do not necessarily have to have the answer. Your guess is as good as your ignorance (I think so in this case not every case). Whichever comes first-be it the unclean room or the unclear mind, you know that you can always achieve one by achieving the other. You can have a clean room by having a clear mind, and you can have a clear mind by finding strength to clean your room. I don’t think the causal relationships matter. And that is a case study in maximizing your ignorance (or at least your opacity).
So reader, please clean your room this weekend. Also yearn for a clear mind. Vale.
Something Funny
I was having a quick chat under the cold dark skies last night with a neighbor. Somehow, we found ourselves talking about phobias. I ran a google search and read a list of phobias out loud. I remember clearly, three striking phobias. One of the three was odd, the second was funny, and the third was a phobia I will never have (even in the face of death).
The first and odd one was genuphobia- the fear of knees. I can’t possibly conceive of anyone being scared of their own knees or any knees at all. Odd.
The second and funny one was phobophobia-the fear of phobias. How this works, I don’t know. But it is hella funny. I imagine that anyone who has any kind of phobia and also has phobophobia has two phobias in one. So, does the person collapse when he knows he has a phobia? I’m curious.
And the last and never-will-I-have one is venustraphobia-fear of beautiful women. Ok how? How can you be scared of beautiful women? This is Busyminds Newsletter and venustraphobia doesn’t live here.
Dear reader, do have an awesome and curious weekend. Learn something interesting this weekend, and teach it to cement it as part of your being. See you around.