Hello, it is the weekend and I would like to share a spontaneous line of thought.
So many people are unaware of their need for deeper reflection. We consume information abundantly these days. There is an endless supply of books, podcasts, statistics, figures, and anything that will inflate your information currency. But we are short in supply of deep thoughts, sober reflection, and good judgment. No wonder, we are often paralysed by abundant intellectualism.
The search for truth is I believe, not so a noble goal for some but a distraction. Some want to bolster their social status using knowledge as their capital. Yet, they are ever learning, and never coming into the comprehension of the truth (2nd Tim 3:7). So what can you do?
Drop the book. Focus on how you think instead. Not what you think, but how you think. What is your thought pattern like?
Have a nice weekend.